Leach, R. H. (Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, Kent, England), and M. Butler. Comparison of mycoplasmas associated with human tumors, leukemia, and tissue cultures. J. Bacteriol. 91:934–941. 1966.—Mycoplasmas originally isolated by various workers from tissue cultures prepared from or inoculated with tumor or leukemic cells fell into four groups; each related to existing species or serotypes. These were Mycoplasma pulmonis, M. fermentans, M. hominis, and the GDL serotype, the last two being well known as contaminants of uninoculated cell lines. All the test strains were able to grow well in certain tissue cultures, and some caused cytopathic effects and acidity. These observations are discussed in terms of the relationship of these strains to the malignant tissues with which they were originally associated. The variable results obtained in certain biological tests on these strains emphasized the need for standardization of the conditions under which such tests may be employed to assist in identification of Mycoplasma species.