Scattering of 151- and 188-Mev Positive Pions by Protons

A beam of ∼200-Mev π+ mesons was defined inside the vacuum chamber of the Nevis Cyclotron. Nuclear emulsions were exposed to a flux of about 104 mesons/cm2. The plates were scanned for pion-hydrogen scatterings and 103 such events were observed in two interaction energies, 151±7 Mev and 188±8 Mev. We obtain total cross sections of 152±31 and 159±34×1027 cm2, respectively. The data suggest that the angular distribution changes from backwards peaked to almost symmetric over this energy interval. Our observations are not in agreement with the hypothesis of a P32-wave resonance in this energy region. The best fit to the combined results includes a D-wave contribution of -5.4°, although satisfactory agreement may be obtained with only S and P waves.