Studies on Aerosols V. Effect of Dust and Pneumodilating Aerosols on Lung Volume and Type of Respiration in Man

An extended series of expts. were carried out on 3 human subjects, using an apparatus which permitted recording of rate and depth of individual respirations as well as changes in lung volume. It was found that inhalation of a few mg. of fine dusts caused an immediate and marked constriction of the lung, accompanied by an increase in respiratory rate and a decrease in volume per respiration. The inhalation of an aerosol of a pneumodilating drug promptly alleviated these symptoms. It was also found that active dilation of the lung by means of aerosols prior to inhalation of dusts effectively prevented the constricting effect of such dusts. It is therefore suggested that competently supervised aerosol therapy at the end of the working day would be of value in cases where workmen are exposed to dusty atmospheres and particularly in the case of pneumokoniotic or silicotic patients. It is also believed that dilation of the workmen''s lungs with pneumodilating aerosols prior to inhalation of aluminum dust would not only serve to prevent any unpleasantness associated with the treatment, but also enhance any expected beneficial effects of such therapy.