Central hypotensive effect of α-methyldopa

In cats under chloralose anaesthesia l-α-methyldopa (20 mg/kg) was infused for 1 hr into the left vertebral artery. One to 3 hr after the end of the infusion a gradual and significant lowering of mean arterial blood pressure was observed. The dopamine and noradrenaline contents of the brain were significantly reduced while brain 5-hydroxytryptamine and heart noradrenaline concentrations remained normal. The same low dose of l-α-methyldopa infused into a systemic vein did not affect the blood pressure. However, brain dopamine and noradrenaline were depleted to the same extent as observed after infusion into the vertebral artery. Intravenous infusion of a large dose of l-α-methyldopa (200 mg/kg) did not significantly alter mean arterial blood pressure but lowered brain dopamine, noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine levels. No effect on heart noradrenaline was observed. Infusion of saline or the d-isomer of α-methyldopa (20 mg/kg) into the vertebral artery had no effect on blood pressure or tissue monoamines.