The effectiveness of "pronestyl" (procaine amide hydrochloride) in correcting ventricular arrhythmias has been well described by many authors.1Its apparent freedom from toxicity has led to its use with little fear of serious complications. Thus far only two cases of agranulocytosis following "pronestyl" administration, as yet unpublished, have come to our attention through the courtesy of the Medical Division of E. R. Squibb & Sons. The following is believed to be a case of agranulocytosis resulting from the use of "pronestyl" over a period of eight weeks. REPORT OF CASE Mrs. C. R., an 87-year-old woman, was in good health until January, 1951, when she had her first symptoms of cardiac failure. On Jan. 29 she was brought into the accident room in severe acute pulmonary edema. She was extremely cyanotic, semicomatose, and appeared to be near death. The apex rate was 110 with gross irregularity shown by electrocardiogram