The generic names Allelochaeta, Basilocula, Ceuthosira, Pycnidiochaeta, and Xenodomus are shown to be redundant. Allelochaeta and the single species A. gaubae are reduced to synonymy with Seimatosporium and S. dilophosporum, respectively. Basilocula, Ceuthosira, and Xenodomus are treated as synonyms of Coleophoma with C. lauricola, C. aesculi, and C. taxi proposed as new combinations. The names Microgloeum and M. pruni are shown to be applicable to a microconidial state associated with Cylindrosporium padi. The generic name Neobarclaya is revived to accommodate N. primaria and is segregated from Polynema in which P. ornatum and P. radiatum comb. nov. are accepted. Pycnidiochaeta and its type species, P. biciliata, are reduced to synonymy with Dinemasporium and D. gramineum, respectively.