Top-quark signatures at the Fermilab Tevatron collider

Calculations are presented for the experimental signals arising from top-quark production in pp¯ collisions with semileptonic top decay, for the center-of-mass energy √s =2 TeV available at the Fermilab Tevatron. Both the strong production of tt¯ pairs via QCD and the electroweak channels W+→tb¯, W→bt¯ are considered, including gluon bremsstrahlung effects and complete cascade decays of heavy quarks. To separate the t signal from bb¯, cc¯, bb¯bb¯, W, Z, and other backgrounds, we require events containing an isolated lepton along with n jets (n≥2). The top mass may be determined by the three-jet invariant mass, or a transverse mass formed from the lepton, third hardest jet, and missing pT. For mt≲80 GeV, confirmation of this signal may be obtained from observation of events containing two isolated leptons at high pT. From these results, we expect the upcoming run of the Fermilab Tevatron collider to be able to probe t masses up to mt=100 GeV, assuming sufficient detector resolution.