Tongue evolution in lungless salamanders, family plethodontidae. III. Patterns of peripheral innervation

Innervation of the tongue and associated musculature in plethodontid salamanders was studied using Palmgren stained sectioned materials, fresh dissection, and whole mounts of experimental specimens treated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Species studied were chosen to represent modes of tongue projection recognized by Lombard and Wake ('77). Special attention was given to species of the genera Plethodon, Batrachoseps, Pseudoeurycea, and Hydromantes, but representatives of other genera were investigated. As expected we found that cranial nerves IX and X and spinal nerve 1 supplied the muscles involved in tongue movement. The peripheral courses of the nerves were traced, and both functionally related and phylogenetically determined routes were found. As relative projection length increases, the nerves supplying the tongue tip also increase in length. When the tongue is at rest the long nerves are stored in coils. The coil of ramus lingualis lies between the ceratobranchials, but that of ramus hypoglossus is more variable, although constant within a species. Ramus hypoglossus bifurcates into separate branches to tongue and anterior musculature of the floor of the mouth. In generalized, presumably primitive, modes the bifurcation and coiling are far anterior. In most of the tongue projection modes bifurcation is relatively posterior, but in one, bifurcation is anterior, but coiling is relatively posterior in position. The most unusual condition is in Hydromantes, in which bifurcation is relatively posterior and a coiled ramus hypoglossus joins a coiled ramus lingualis to form a unique, coiled common ramus to the tongue tip. Hydromantes has the greatest projection distance of any salamander.