Bremsstrahlung in Coulomb Field—An Exact Regge-Multiperipheral Production Amplitude

The exact matrix elements for Coulomb scattering, photoeffect, and bremsstrahlung in a Coulomb field are obtained by means of a very simple algebraic calculation. The method is closely related to current ideas on elementary particle physics, and Regge poles are particularly relevant in all three processes. Bremsstrahlung in a Coulomb field is a production amplitude that is given in its entirety by the contribution of a Reggeized multiperipheral diagram. Each internal line carries one value ν(E) of the Reggeized principal quantum number n, or, equivalently, an infinite set of ordinary Regge poles with α(E)=ν1,ν2,. This circumstance may be exploited to learn something about the Reggeon-Reggeon-particle vertex.

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