Anderson Hamiltonian description of the experimental electronic structure and magnetic interactions of copper oxide superconductors

We describe valence-band and core-level photoemission data for copper oxide superconductors using the Anderson Hamiltonian applied to an impurity-cluster configuration-interaction model. We obtain experimental values of the parameters of the model, the copper⇄oxygen chargetransfer energy Δ0.4 eV, the dd Coulomb interaction U6 eV, and the ligand-d hybridization T2.4 eV. Using these parameters, we evaluate the linear Cu-O-Cu superexchange interaction J and find it is dominated by the charge-transfer fluctuations. The magnitude obtained for J is much larger than typical Néel temperatures of these materials, and is somewhat larger than that estimated from applying the resonating-valence-bond picture to La2CuO4. We point out that for ΔU and TΔ the charge-transfer degrees of freedom, and the lattice aspects of the Anderson lattice Hamiltonian, should not be neglected in constructing models for the high-Tc superconductivity. We also emphasize our resonant-photoemission result that the very small density of states at or near the Fermi level in all these materials has a substantial contribution from Cu 3d states, suggesting their importance for the superconductivity. We report other details of the resonant-photoemission data involving La and Ba states in the materials containing these elements.