Serum Lipids in Alcoholics

Fasting serum lipid values (cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids) were analyzed in a group of 85 male and 10 female alcoholics of various ages in connection with an acute drinking bout and compared to the values of twice as many control subjects. The most prominent finding was an increase in the mean concentration of triglycerides and phospholipids, most marked in the younger age groups. The elevations were moderate and most alcoholics had the same serum lipid values as the controls. Serum triglyceride values about 2 and 3 mmol/l, respectively, occurred in 23% and 4% in controls and in 28% and 13% in alcoholics. Excessive intake of alcohol induces hypertriglyceridemia only when other factors are present. One such factor may be a reduced i.v. fat tolerance.