HMG I-like proteins from leaf and nodule nuclei interact with different AT motifs in soybean nodulin promoters.

Three different nuclear factors recognizing short AT-rich DNA sequences were identified in different organs of soybean. One factor (NAT2) was found to be present in mature nodules, another factor (NAT1) was detected in roots and nodules, and a third one (LAT1) was only observed in leaves. All three factors recognized several DNA sequences in the promoter region of the soybean nodulin N23 gene. Footprinting, deletion, and point mutation analyses revealed different binding properties for all three factors and further showed that even single base pair substitutions had a dramatic effect on binding affinity. The LAT1 and NAT1 factors were released from chromatin by extraction with a low-salt buffer and were soluble in 2% trichloroacetic acid, implying a relationship to high-mobility group (HMG) proteins. DNA binding studies further indicated a functional relationship of these factors to the human HMG I protein. Purification of the LAT1 factor from leaf nuclei revealed the presence of two polypeptides with molecular masses of 21 kilodaltons and 23 kilodaltons, respectively, binding the same DNA sequence with equal affinity.