Lattice relaxation ofDX-like donors inZnxCd1xTe

The configuration-coordinate diagram was constructed for deep relaxed In impurities in Znx Cd1xTe. On the basis of the Hall effect, deep-level transient spectroscopy, photoionization, and photoluminescence measurements it was shown that In donors in Znx Cd1xTe possess analogous properties to the so-called DX center in Alx Ga1xAs. The absence of paramagnetic resonance from In donors suggests that In atoms form a mixture of In+ and In3+ ions, in equal numbers. A persistent photo-EPR signal from mobile photoelectrons was observed after illumination at g=1.316 and could be thermally annealed. A strong broad, donor-acceptor-pair luminescence was found, with periodically spaced phonon lines at high excitation powers.