We study via Monte Carlo simulation the effective superfluid density ns and the real part of the integrated fluctuation conductivity, γ2, of a model granular superconductor in which the individual superconducting grains are coupled via Josephson tunneling. The phase-ordering transition temperature Tc is determined as the temperature at which ns goes to zero. Above an intergrain normal-state resistance RR0=e2, Tc falls significantly below the single-grain transition temperature Tc0, in agreement with our previous Monte Carlo results, and ns deviates substantially from typical bulk behavior. At temperature T=0, we show analytically that ns in site-diluted samples is proportional to the effective conductance of the sample in its normal state. It follows that the zero-temperature penetration depth λp(0) of the granular superconductor varies as the square root of the normal-state resistivity. Near percolation, λp(0)(ppc)t2, where t is the percolation exponent describing effective conductivity in composites of normal metal and insulator. A sum rule is derived for γ2, relating it to the Josephson coupling energy. γ2 is found to have two characteristic contributions. One is due to thermodynamic fluctuations and appears near Tc in ordered and weakly diluted lattices of superconducting grains. The other arises from "impurity modes" associated with sites near vacancies in site-diluted lattices. This contribution persists at all temperatures near or below Tc, and dominates over the first contribution above a site dilution of about 10%. The possibility of observing these effects experimentally is discussed.