Incorporation of C1402 into Organic Compounds by Cell-free Extracts of Autotrophically Grown Hydrogenomonas sp.

Cell-free extracts from auto-tropically grown Hydrogenomonas, in the presence of NaHCl4O3 and certain organic acids, are capable of performing the following reactions: (1) To incorporate C14 into malic acid, in the presence of reduced triphosphopyridine nucleotide (TPNH) or reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPNH) pyruvic acid and Mn++ ions; the same is accomplished when malic acid plus TPN or DPN instead of the reduced forms of the coenzymes are used in the above reaction mixtures. (2) To incorporate Cl4 into the beta-carboxyl group of oxalacetic acid when NaHCl4O3 is incubated with pyruvic acid, Mn++ ions, and oxalacetic acid; adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is required for this reaction. (3) To incorporate Cl4 into isocitric acid when NaHCl4O3 is incubated with alpha-ketoglutaric acid, Mn++ ions, TPNH, or with isocitric acid and TPN in place of TPNH. Cell-free extracts of heterotropically grown Hydrogenomonas, like the extracts from autotropically grown cells, are able to accomplish the same reactions.