A newly developed apparatus for the distillation of essential oils from vegetable material has been described. In the main the yields of the steamdistillation of some Mentha strains with this still were higher than the yields obtained by the method of the waterdistillation according to the Dutch Pharmacopoeia Ed VI. Almost no qualitative but with fresh vegetable material some quantitative differences have been observed. The advantages of the new still are: I. The time of heating up is relatively short. II. The method causes saving of time (no cohobation). III. The volume of the essential oil can be estimated directly. IV. The isolation of the essential oil is very easy. V. The contents of the hot still can be cooled down very quickly. VI. The still can be used on different ways. Ein neues Gerät für die Gewinnung ätherischer Öle aus Pflanzenmaterial wird beschrieben. Die Resultate der Wasserdampfdestillation mit diesem Gerät wurden verglichen mit der Wasserdestillation nach dem niederländischen Arzneibuch. Die Ausbeuten lagen bei einigen Mehtha–Populationen im Ganzen höher. Qualitative Differenzen wurden selten, bei frischem Material gelegentlich quantitative Unterschiede beobachtet.