Chromosome Numbers in Legumes

Chromosome numbers are reported for 39 spp. representing 35 genera. The following are new generic (and specific) reports: Acrocarpus fraxinifolius 2n = 24, Amblygonocarpus andongensis 2n = 28, Baikiaea plurijuga 2n = 24, Brasilletia mollis 2n = 24, Kotschya aeschynomenoides 2n = 40, K. africana 2n = 30, K. strigosa 2n = ca. 36, Maackia amurensis 2n = (18)20, Paramacrolobium coeruleum 2n = 24, Schizolobium parahybum 2n = 26, sphaerophysa salsula 2n = 16, Sphenosytylis marginata 2n = 22, Strongylodon macrobotrys 2n = 28, Tachigalia paniculata 2n = 26, Tylosema fassoglensis 2n = 52, Xanthocercis zambeziaca 2n = 26 and Virgilia oroboides 2n = ca. 54. New species reports are the following: Cordyla africana 2n = 20, Desmodium barclayi 2n = 22, Dioclea virgata 2n = 22, Entada pursaetha 2n = 28, Eythrina livingstoneana 2n = 42, Mucuna sloanei 2n = 22 and Sindora wallichii 2n = 24.