Mangrove Photosynthesis: Response to High-Irradiance Stress

Efficiencies of photosynthetic energy conversion were determined in sun and shade leaves of several mangrove species, growing in an open intertidal habitat in North Queensland, by measuring the maximum photon yield of O2 evolution and 77K chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics. Preliminary meas- urements confirmed that mangrove leaves have low water potentials, low stomatal conductances and low light-saturated CO2 exchange rates. Mangrove sun leaves therefore received a very large excess of excitation energy. Mangrove shade leaves had as high a photon yield of O2 evolution as non-mangrove leaves and their fluorescence characteristics were normal, showing that the energy conversion efficiency was unaffected by the high salinity. Mangrove sun leaves had markedly depressed photon yields and fluorescence was severely quenched showing that the efficiency of the photochemistry of photosystem II was reduced. The efficiency of energy conversion decreased with an increased radiation receipt. No such depression was detected in sun leaves of non-mangrove species growing in adjacent non-saline sites. Shading of man- grove sun leaves resulted in an increase in the efficiency of energy conversion but, in most species, more than 1 week was required for these leaves to reach the efficiency of shade leaves. Leaves exposed to direct sunlight had somewhat higher efficiencies in mangrove plants cultivated in 10% seawater as compared with full-strength seawater but the salinity of the culture solution had little effect on the increase in the efficiency upon shading. Field and laboratory fluorescence measurements indicated that the reduced efficiency of energy conversion in mangrove sun leaves resulted from a large increase in the rate constant for radiationless energy dissipation in the antenna chlorophyll rather than from damage to the photosystem II reaction centres. We propose that this increase in radiationless energy dissipation serves to protect the reaction centres against damage by excessive excitation.