Implications of an anomalous intracellular electrical response in bullfrog corneal epithelium

The ionic dependencies of the transepithelial and intracellular electrical parameters were measured in the isolated frog cornea. In NaCl Ringer's the intracellular potential differenceVsc measured under short-circuit conditions depolarized by nearly the same amount after either increasing the stromal-side KCl concentration from 2.5 to 25mm or exposure to 2mm BaCl2 (K+ channel blocker). With Ba2+ the depolarization of theVsc by 25mm K+ was reduced to one-quarter of the control change. If the Cl-permselective apical membrane resistanceRo remained unchanged, the relative basolateral membrane resistanceRi, which includes the lateral intercellular space, increased at the most by less than twofold after Ba2+. These effects in conjunction with the depolarization of theVsc by 62 mV after increasing the stromal-side K+ from 2.5 to 100mm in Cl-free Ringer's as well as the increase of the apparent ratio of membrane resistances (a=Ro/Ri) from 13 to 32 are all indicative of an appreciable basolateral membrane K+ conductance. This ratio decreased significantly after exposure to either 25mm K+ or Ba2+. The decline ofRo/Ri with 25mm K+ appears to be anomalous since this decrease is not consistent with just an increase of basolateral membrane conductance by 25mm K+, but rather perhaps a larger decrease ofRo thanRiAlso an increase of lateral space resistance may offset the effect of decreasingRi with 25mm K+. In contrast,Ro/Ri did transiently increase during voltage clamping of the apical membrane potential differenceVo and exposure to 25mm K+ on the stromal side. This increase and subsequent decrease ofRo/Ri supports the idea that increases in stromal K+ concentration may produce secondary membrane resistance changes. These effects onRo/Ri show that the presence of asymmetric ionic conductance properties in the apical and basolateral membranes can limit the interpretative value of this parameter. The complete substitution of Na+ withn-methyl-glucamine in Cl-free Ringer's on the stromal side hyperpolarized theVsc by 6 mV whereas 10−4m ouabain depolarized theVsc by 7 mV. Thus the basolateral membrane contains K+, Na+ and perhaps Cl pathways in parallel with the Na/K pump component.

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