Molecular Orientation and Film Morphology of Calcium Stearate Deposited on Several Substrates

Calcium stearate ((C18H35O2)2Ca) was vacuum-deposited on the following substrates: KCl, mica, SiO2, deposited films of Al, Ag and Cr, surface-treated glass and amorphous carbon films. The long-chain molecules on the (001) planes of KCl and metals were arranged epitaxially to form a crossed network of rodlike crystals, whose longitudinal directions agreed with the axes of substrates. On the (001) plane of mica and the (111) plane of Ag, molecules formed the random network of rectangular growth hillocks. On the polycrystallines of SiO2 and metals, surface-treated glass and carbon films, the rodlike crystals were scattered. When the temperature of the substrate was raised, molecules tended to stand normal against the substrate surfaces and formed thin films having an axial relation to the substrate crystals. deposited films,