Speleothems, Travertines, and Paleoclimates

Age data for about 660 speleothems and about 140 spring-deposited travertines were collected, including many unpublished results. These data were plotted as histograms and also as error-weighted frequency curves on a 350,000-yr scale. These plots clearly show periods of increased speleothem/travertine growth as well as times of cessation. The periods of most frequent speleothem growth were between approximately 130,000 and 90,000 yr ago and since about 15,000 yr ago. Such periods before 150,000 yr ago, however, cannot be yet recognized because of a lack of sufficient data and the associated uncertainties of dates in this age range. A comparison with the oxygen-isotope record of deep-sea core V28–:238 shows a clear relationship, indicating that terrestrial calcite formation is controlled by paleoclimatic fluctuations. The evident climatic stimulation of Quaternary calcite formation is readily explained geochemically and is substantiated by the obvious difference in speleothem/travertine growth as a function of geographic position.