Combined deficiency of xanthine oxidase and sulphite oxidase: A defect of molybdenum metabolism or transport?

A child is described who presented in the neonatal period with feeding difficulties, severe neurological abnormalities, lens dislocation of the eyes and dysmorphic symptoms of the head. Routine laboratory investigations revealed a decreased serum urate and a positive sulphite reaction of the urine. Subsequent chromatographic examinations showed xanthinuria and increased excretion ofS-sulphocysteine and taurine to be present. In addition, high thiosulphate and low sulphate excretions in the urine were observed. Xanthine oxidase deficiency was demonstrated in a jejunal biopsy specimen, whereas the excretion of sulphur containing substances was considered to be characteristic of sulphite oxidase deficiency. This new combination of defects may be the result of malfunctioning of both enzymes, possibly caused by alterations in the essential molybdenum containing active centre of the enzymes, which they share in common.