Effect of the conceptus on quantitative and qualitative aspects of uterine secretion in pigs

Endometrial explants were removed from uteri of animals pregnant and pseudopregnant (5 mg estradiol valerate on (days 11-15) for 60 days, from the gravid and non-gravid horns of unilaterally pregnant pigs at (day 60 of pregnancy and from non-pregnant animals at day 12 of the estrous cycle. The tissues were cultured in the presence of L-[35S]methionine for 24 h and the tissues and medium were analyzed separately by 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Radioactive polypeptides were identified by autoradiography of dried gels. Tissues from all except the cyclic animals released an identical group of polypeptides into the culture medium: the major radioactive products were 4 acidic polypeptides of low MW and several basic proteins, which included the purple phosphatase uteroferrin and lysozyme. Explants from 3 unilaterally pregnant pigs were cultured with L-[3H]leucine and, on a fresh weight basis, the tissue from the non-gravid horn released significantly less radioactive macromolecular material into the medium in 24 h than did tissue from gravid horns. Although the nature of the secretion produced by the pregnant uterus is a consequence of maternal hormonal regulation alone, apparently the tissue underlying a conceptus is quantitatively more active than that from unoccupied regions of a uterus.