Electron Capture Dissociation in a Digital Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer

Electron capture dissociation was implemented in a digital ion trap without using any magnetic field to focus the electrons. Since rectangular waveforms are employed in the DIT for both trapping and dipole excitation, electrons can be injected into the trap when the electric field is constant. Following deceleration, electrons reach the precursor ion cloud. The fragment ions produced by interactions with the electron beam are subsequently analyzed by resonant ejection. [Glu(1)]-Fibrinopeptide B and substance P were used to evaluate the performance of the current design. Fragmentation efficiency of 5.5% was observed for substance P peptide ions. Additionally, analysis of the monophosphorylated peptide FQ[pS]EEQQQTEDELQDK shows that in the resulting c- and z-type ions, the phosphate group is retained on the phophoserine residue, providing information on which amino acid residue the modification is located.