Purification, Biochemical and Immunological Characterisation of Hexosaminidase A from Variant AB of Infantile GM2 Gangliosidosis

Variant AB of infantile GM2 gangliosidosis is a fatal disease leading invariably to death within the first few years of life, due to the excessive storage of the glycolipids GM2 and GA2 which occurs in the nervous tissue of the patient. Unlike other variants of this hereditary disease, where a deficiency of hexosaminidase A, the ganglioside‐GM2‐degrading enzyme, could be demonstrated, the variant AB is characterized by a normal or even elevated level of this enzyme. To examine the possibility of a mutant hexosaminidase A, well capable of hydrolyzing the fluorogenic synthetic substrates but unable to attack the ganglioside, the enzyme was isolated from a patient's tissue and characterized biochemically and immunologically in comparison with an enzyme preparation from normal control tissue. No differences between hexosaminidase A from normal and variant AB tissue could be detected indicating that the defect involved in this disease is not at the genetic level of production of either α or β chains of hexosaminidase A.