The Development of Spark Discharges in Hydrogen

Streak photography has been used to supplement the earlier shutter photo. graphic investigation of Doran and Meyer (1967) using the same coaxial cable discharge circuit. Additional information has also been obtained from measurement of the potential distribution between the electrodes at two stages in the spark development. Redistribution of space charge is shown to give rise firstly to a transient diffuse glow discharge that has a close similarity with a normal d.c. glow discharge. It has also been shown that, even while the diffuse glow discharge expands, a partial constriction occurs in which most of the current flows along a narrow axial column. The resulting maximum in electron density eventually causes a rapid increase in dissociation of molecular hydrogen on the axis of the discharge brought about by a rise in the gas temperature. Owing to its greater electrical conductivity this axial column soon carries the entire current and the discharge becomes filamentary though still being maintained by a high cathode fall field, which exists until a sudden change in the cathode mechanism gives rise to the low voltage arc channel. Both the filamentary glow and arc columns are observed to expand according to an r cc ti law.