The thermodynamic properties of cubic or uniaxial antiferromagnets are examined using spin wave theory. The specific heat, magnetization, and parallel susceptibility are shown to be exponentially increasing functions of applied field for values of H0 less than the critical spin-flopping field. Since this field dependence suggests that an antiferromagnet can be cooled by the adiabatic application of a magnetic field, the theory of adiabatic magnetization is investigated. Field-dependent nuclear spin effects are evaluated on an effective field model by perturbation theory and are included in the analysis. It is found that when spin wave effects are dominant, cooling should be observed; at lower temperatures, when nuclear effects are non-negligible, either cooling or heating may be observed, depending on the initial temperature and final value of the magnetic field. The dependence of the cooling on the physical parameters of the antiferromagnet is discussed and detailed calculations are made for MnF2.