A method is described for the measurement of quasistatic CV characteristics in semiconductors which offers significant advantages over previous methods. Using a small voltage step across the device under test, a displacement charge is stimulated and measured. A feedback charge measurement circuit is used, reducing the effect of several significant error terms. This technique has the advantages of higher signal‐to‐noise ratio at the frequencies of interest, independence of signal size from measurement time, and ease of distinction of signal charge from error currents at the time of measurement. Results consistent with those of previous techniques have been obtained on silicon MOS capacitors and other devices using steps from 10 to 100 mV and delays between step and measurement of up to 200 s. Furthermore, the method has been extended to provide additional information useful in determining whether an equilibrium measurement is obtained and in diagnosing and correcting for errors due to dc leakage currents. With this method, it is also possible to measure quasistatic capacitance at fixed bias voltage using a square‐wave test signal.