Involvement of a gene of the chl E locus in the regulation of the nitrate reductase operon

A strain of E. coli carrying a Mudl insertion leading to chlorate resistance was found to lack nitrate reductase and formate dehydrogenase activities, but to synthesize b-type cytochrome constitutively. Introduction of this insertion mutation into a strain bearing a fusion between the nitrate reductase operon (chl C, chl I) and the lac structural genes resulted in the constitutive expression of the lac genes of this last fusion. Identical results were found when the Mudl was eliminated promoting a deletion in the original insertion site. This mutation was located midway between gal and aro A, at the chl E locus. Study of a chl E strain already described revealed similar behaviour. Absence of nitrate reductase activity in these strains which constitutively express the structural genes of the nitrate reductase operon was tentatively attributed to the simultaneous lack of a cofactor of the nitrate reductase terminal enzyme, possibly cofactor Mo-X, and of a repressor of the operon.