Laparoscopic Segmental Resection of the Sigmoid Colon for Endometriosis

We report a technique for laparoscopic segmental resection of the sigmoid colon. A 30.73-year-old nulligravida complained of pelvic pain, abdominal bloating, intestinal cramping, and painful bowel movements. Examination revealed significant nodularity of the posterior pelvis, so a preoperative bowel prep was given. At laparoscopy, a 5 cm diameter mid-sigmoid lesion was found, as well as a rectal nodule and pelvic endometriosis. The sigmoid lesion was separated from the mesocolon by bipolar electrocoagulation and scissors dissection. The segment was then removed by transection with a needle electrode and extraction through the anus. A stapled end to end anastomosis was performed. This technique can be applied to a variety of benign lesions of the bowel, and can result in decreased patient morbidity and hospital stay.

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