Combined immunohistochemical staining for surface IgD and T-lymphocyte subsets with monoclonal antibodies in human tonsils

The aim of the present paper is to detect two different antigens simultaneously in a single slide. In cryostat sections of human tonsils, B-lymphocytes of follicle mantle-bearing surface IgD were immunostained with the alkaline phosphatase method using monoclonal anti IgD. The subsequent staining for T-lymphocyte subsets (T-helper and T-suppressor lymphocytes) was performed again with the alkaline phosphatase method using one of the monoclonal antibodies OKT 4, OKT 8, Leu 3a, Leu 2a. The best results with the alkaline phosphatase method were achieved using naphthol AS phosphate and Fast Blue BB for the revelation of the first antigen and naphthol AS-BI phosphate and diazotized New Fuchsin for the second.