Aqueous 45% acetic acid can be used successfully as a diluent for Ehrlich's haematoxylin and for Horen's trichrome stain (chromotrope 2 R, 0.6 gm; phosphotungstic acid, 0.7 gm; glacial acetic acid, 1.0 ml; water, 100 ml). Glacial acetic acid is used for dehydration of the stained helminths, and followed by a glacial acetic acid-methyl salicylate series for clearing. The whole process can be completed within 1 hr, from fixation to the cleared specimen, with helminths up to 5 mm in length. A satisfactory fixative for Monogenea, Digenea and Acanthocephala is: 85% ethanol, 85; formalin (40% HCHO), 10; and glacial acetic acid, 5—parts by volume. For Cestoda, 5% aqueous formalin is preferable because they are hardened excessively by the alcoholic fixative.