Rust of the Smoke-Tree

In 1956, an autecious rust was discovered on the smoke-tree, Cotinus coggygria (Rhus cotinus), in Athens, Georgia. The symptoms of the disease were described and observations on the aecia, uredinia, and telia were recorded. The rust was identified provisionally as Pileolaria cotini-coggyriae described by Tai and Cheo in 1937 from collections made in China. The rust was found on a tree on the campus of the University of Georgia about 45 years ago. It has not been found in other localities in North America. This paper amends the original diagnosis by describing the spermagonia, aecia, and basidia, by redescribing the uredinia, and by reporting observations made on the life cycle of the fungus. The spelling of the species name is also corrected from cotini-coggyriae to cotini-coggygriae. The type specimen, obtained from the Arthur Herbarium, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., yielded spores corresponding to the description of the urediniospores. Both urediniospores and teliospores are similar to those of the Athen collections, so that the 2 rusts are apparently identical. Spermagonia and aecia are not present on the type.