The effects of metiamide and H1 receptor blocking agents on anaphylactic response in guinea-pigs

The effects of metiamide and of four H1 receptor blocking agents (mepyramine, promethazine, clemastine and ketotifene) on anaphylactic reaction were studied in the guinea-pig. The H1 blockers conferred partial protection which shows that with the experimental protocol utilized (challenge injection with high doses of antigen), histamine plays a lesser role than other mediators released or synthesized. Metiamide (30.0 mg/kg i.v.) noticeably enhanced the increase in pulmonary resistance observed during anaphylactic reaction and reduced the protective effect of the H1 antagonists on this parameter and on histamine release. These effects might be explained by an inhibition — at least partial — of the negative feed-back mechanism through which histamine controls its own release, or by a specific action of metiamide in high doses. The transient tachycardia initially observed in anaphylactic shock is partly related to stimulation of cardiac H2 receptors by the histamine released, since it is suppressed by metiamide.