Leka, a New Platelet Antigen Absent in Glanzmann's Thrombasthenia

The serum of a patient who developed a posttransfusion purpura contained antibodies directed against a previously undescribed platelet antigen Leka. The antiplatelet activity was present in the IgG fraction and was detected by immunofluorescence, 51Cr lysis and 14C-serotonin release. The frequency of the Leka phenotype in the French population is 98.18%. Leka does not appear to be sex-linked and seems to be closely related to the Baka antigen. The Lek antigen is not expressed on thrombasthenic platelets but is found on platelets from patients with the Bernard-Soulier syndrome which suggests that this antigen is carried by platelet glycoproteins IIb and/or IIIa.