Coupling phenomena in superconducting Nb/Fe multilayers

We measured the critical temperature Tc and critical field Hc2 of molecular-beam epitaxy-grown Nb/Fe multilayers in which the layer thicknesses tFe and tNb are systematically varied. For constant tNb we observe a continuous decrease of Tc with increasing tFe up to tFe=15Å. At higher tFe values a sudden drop of Tc is measured related to the onset of ferromagnetism in the Fe layers. Measurements of the shape and the angular dependence of Hc2(T) clearly show that the superconducting Nb layers are already decoupled for tFe=12Å, magnetization measurements, however show that the Fe layers are ferromagnetic only for tFe>~16Å. For constant tFe=25Å, the observed strong decrease of Tc with decreasing Nb thickness as well as the temperature dependence of Hc2 are well described by the theoretical model for decoupled superconductor/ferromagnet multilayers.