We have reviewed the results of a six year surveillance programme for acute Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) in order to see how the yield of cases reaching clinically significant stage 3 can safely be maximised, and to assess the effectiveness of an examination technique which does not require a speculum or scleral indentation. An overall 137 (44.8%) developed some signs of ROP and 35 (10.8%) reached stage 3. Seventeen of these were born at 25 weeks or less gestational age, and included four with rush-type disease. None of those born at or over 30 weeks developed stage 3. It is concluded that infants born at 31 weeks or more do not need to be included in a surveillance program, and this protocol will increase the yield of significant disease. In addition, cases of stage 3 which may require cryosurgery will not be missed using an atraumatic examination technique.