Coronal magnetic resonance imaging of the chest: normal and abnormal.

In order to determine the value of coronal magnetic resonance (MR) in diagnosing thoracic abnormalities, the multisection coronal spin echo MR images were reviewed of 10 normal subjects and 20 patients with thoracic abnormalities. In the abnormal patients, coronal images were compared with transaxial MR images obtained with TR values of 0.5 and 2.0 s. In general, coronal imaging was of value in several situations. It allowed structures oriented in the coronal plane to be imaged along their longitudinal axes, provided an additional perspective and increased the confidence of diagnosis, and helped clarify anatomic relationships difficult or impossible to resolve on transaxial images because of volume averaging. Specifically, coronal images were sometimes superior to transaxial images in evaluating the aorticopulmonary window and masses at the lung apex or base. Transaxial images were often superior in evaluating the pretracheal space, subcarinal space, and hili. Within the pulmonary hili, lateral hilar masses were better defined on coronal image than were anterior or posterior hilar masses. Coronal images obtained with a TR of 1.0 s (10 sections) allow evaluation of most node-bearing mediastinal compartments and provide adequate mass/fat contrast.