Dermatitis venenata from plants and trees is rather common in Australia. Among the plants that are known to cause cutaneous irritation are the dogweed (Cassinia aculeata), the stinkwort (Inula graveolens), parsnips (Pastinacea sativa), the chilli bean (Capsicum frutescens), yams, chrysanthemums, azaleas, the red bean (Castanosperma australe), various species of Rhus and others. The ragweed is not found in Australia. Showburghk,1 of the botanical gardens in Adelaide, in 1875 mentioned capeweed as being a nasal and pulmonary irritant. This is well known among the laity and the members of the medical profession. Derrick2 in 1929 stated that about 12 per cent of hay fever and asthma in Australia was due to the capeweed, particularly in the country and in suburban areas. That capeweed also causes dermatitis is less well known. Farmer3 reported 2 cases of dermatitis from this weed in 1941. In 1 of these the der