Ergotoxine Hyper- and Hypothermia in Albino Rats.

Continuous temp. records were obtained from albino rats following the admn. of ergotoxine ethanesulfonate. The drug was administered intraperit. in a dosage of 4.5 mg./kg. Albino rats developed hyperthermia following ergotoxine admn. when they were kept in a relatively warm environment (28-31 C). When exposed to cold (5-8 C) after the admn. of ergotoxine, they exhibited a marked hypothermic response. Urethane (0.25 g./kg.) prevented the hyperthermia but did not affect the hypothermic response. Hyper- and hypothermic responses under suitable environmental conditions also resulted from subcut. admn. of ergotoxine. The authors are of the opinion that ergotoxine produces its effect mainly through direct and unselective stimulation of the hypothalamus.