Floristic Changes Induced by Flooding on Grazed and Ungrazed Lowland Grasslands in Argentina

Changes in community composition of 2 grassland sites exposed to a flood of unusual intensity and duration were investigated in the Flooding Pampa. These grasslands are subject almost annually to floodings of lesser magnitude. The study sites were adjacent to each other, and differed in vegetation structure and composition. One had been grazed continuously by cattle and was showing signs of intense deterioration. The other had remained ungrazed during 15 years. Basal cover by species was measured in summer, before and after the flooding event. Compositonal difference between sites decreased with flooding from 68.9 to 39.1. In the grazed site the cover of alien forbs was reduced by 48%. After the flooding native graminoids represented 99.7 and 86.7% of the cover, inside and outside the exclosure respectively. Total basal cover was not affected but was redistributed among species already present before the flood. Floristic changes would have led to an improvement of the forage source. We conclude that plant community response to the event was influenced by the previous grazing history of the site. The large flood acted as an overriding environmental factor which partially reverted the effects of grazing upon grassland compositon.