Eye and neck motor signals in periabducens reticular neurons of the alert cat

The purpose of this work was to search for neurons in the ponto-medullary reticular formation which can carry horizontal eye position signals to dorsal neck muscles of the cat. The recordings were localized in an area of the ponto-medullary reticular formation which contains reticulo-spinal neurons projecting to the neck (Peterson et al. 1980). Experiments were performed on alert, head-fixed cats. Eye movements were measured by the search-coil technique. Neuronal activity was recorded extracellularly with glass microelectrodes. Neurons were localized both by stereotaxic coordinates and by their position with respect to the antidromic field potential profile of the abducens nucleus. EMG of longissimus capitis, obliquus capitis and splenius muscles were recorded. Vestibular stimulation was produced by a turn-table. Reticular cells were found below the abducens nucleus (1 to 3.5 mm below the center of the nucleus, A.P.: 5.3 to 7.2 mm; L: 1 to 1.5 mm) showing a firing rate closely related to EMG during spontaneous saccades and, to a variable degree, to the ipsilateral horizontal component of eye position. ‘Tonic’ and ‘burst-tonic’ cells were found. During vestibular stimulation, the firing rate kept the same relationship with eye position and neck EMG. It is concluded that the analyzed reticular cells are good candidates to be reticulo-spinal neurons which mediate a signal allowing a synergistic movement of head and eye during orientation in the horizontal plane.