Late-Quaternary sea level changes in the eastern Aleutian Islands are of paramount importance in the reconstruction of the migrations and environment of the ancient Aleuts. A radiocarbon-dated ash stratigraphy provides the chronology into which geomorphic events can be fitted. These provide evidence for the sea level changes. Deployment of beach material and coastal configuration intimate that sea level was about 2–3 m above the present level about 8250 radiocarbon yr BP. Beach deposits suggest that sea level remained high until about 3000 radiocarbon y.a. when it gradually dropped to its present position. It is concluded that the ancient Aleuts that settled Anangula about 8400 y.a. used boats; all major passes in the eastern Aleutians were flooded, and did not have winter ice. Those ancient Aleuts did not have available the major year-around food resources of the present strandflats as they were cut during the high sea level stand 8250–3000 yr BP. The ancient Aleuts must have been marine oriented, for land-based food resources would have been limited.The cause of relative sea level changes on Umnak Island is considered indeterminate with present data. Eustatic, glacial isostatic, water isostatic, tectonic, and volcanic causes are considered the main possible controls in combinations such that a basic eustatic sea level curve and likely a glacial-water isostatic curve must be common to any solution. Representative solutions are given to illustrate some of the problems.