Metal β-diketone complexes. Part VI. Some β-diketone complexes of copper(I), silver(I), and gold(I)

Two classes of β-diketone complexes of CuI, AgI, and AuI have been prepared viz.: class (i) L2M(β-diketone), M = Cu, L = Ph3P, β-diketone = conjugate base of acetylacetone (acac), benzoylacetone (ba), trifluoro-acetylacetone (tfa), or hexafluoroacetylacetone (hfa), and M = Ag, L = Ph3P, β-diketone = ba or hfa; and class (2) LM(β-diketone), M = Ag, L = Ph3P, β-diketone = acac or tfa, and M = Au, L = Ph3P, Ph2EtP, Et3P, (Ph·Me)3P, or Ph3As, β-diketone = acac or ba. On the basis of molecular-weight data, and i.r. and n.m.r. spectral studies the complexes of CuI and AgI are shown to contain oxygen-bonded β-diketones irrespective of their composition, whereas those of AuI contain carbon-bonded ligands in all cases. The stereochemical consequences of these observations are discussed.