Pattern of agricultural growth in Mexican states, 1960–71: A shift and share analysis

Nguyen D. T. and Martinez Saldivar M. L. (1979) Pattern of agricultural growth in Mexico states, 1960–71: a shift and share analysis, Reg. Studies 13, 161–179. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the sources of the apparent shift of agricultural production to the states near the market and population centres in Mexico in 1960–71, using the shift-share analysis. It is found that (i) the states in the centre had higher growth rates than elsewhere because they were in better positions to switch to crops for which national market demands grew fastest and (ii) although the large majority of states specialised in the crops in which they had above average growth performances, there was, contrary to expectation, no general tendency for the crop mixes of the states to become more different in this period.