In-plane transport properties of single-crystal R2xCexCuO4y (R=Nd,Sm)

We have investigated the in-plane transport properties of high-quality crystals of R2x Cex CuO4y (R=Nd,Sm) prepared over a range of Ce contents x. We find the Hall coefficient RH is uniformly negative in superconducting (x near 0.15) and underdoped crystals, indicating electron conduction in the CuO2 planes, and becomes positive at large doping (x∼0.2). The in-plane resistivity remains metallic over this range and decreases monotonically as x increases, consistent with an increasing carrier density. These data confirm results on ceramic samples and demonstrate that electron doping in the T’-phase superconductors and hole doping in the T-phase systems affect transport in the same way.