Streptomyces Antibiotics. III. Degradation of Streptomycin to Streptobiosamine Derivatives

When streptomycin hydrochloride was treated with methanol containing HCl, the biol. activity sharply decreased. The mixture of products was separated chromatographically into streptidine hydrochloride and the amorphous hydro-chloride of a base, methyl streptobiosaminide dimethyl acetyl hydrochloride. Acetylation of the latter gave a crystalline acetyl derivative, m. p. 124.5-126[degree], [image] (CHCl3). Analytic and mol. wt. data on recrystallized material showed a composition C13H16_18NO7 (CH3CO)4 (OCH3)3, or methyl tetra-acetylstreptobiosaminide dimethyl acetyl (MTADA). Expts. indicated that streptomycin contained at least 1 carbonyl group, and that the N atom in MTADA was present as a methylamino group which signified a residual C12 structure.