IN CLOSURE of the central retinal artery, sparing of the macula with preservation of central vision due to the presence of a cilioretinal artery is a well recognized entity. The converse, closure of the cilioretinal artery with a normal functioning central retinal artery, has seldom been observed. Only 6 cases have been reported in the literature, and none within recent years. The main data in the reported cases are given in the accompanying table. Closure of the cilioretinal artery is usually manifested by sudden loss of central vision. Young people are affected. The fundus presents a large band of retinal opacity extending from near the temporal margin of the optic nerve to or beyond the macula. A cherry red spot in the macula is a frequent finding. The margins of the optic nerve are slightly hazed, especially temporally. A cilioretinal artery is observed coursing through the affected portion of the