The Utilization of Leaf Litter by Stream Detritivores

Investigations of large and fine particle feeding detritivores (shredders and collectors) fed on conditioned hickory leaves (Carya glabra) revealed density—dependent intra— and interspecific interactions. Shredder (Tipula and Pycnopsyche) growth rates ranged from 0.47 to 1.53% increase in body wt/day depending upon density, species combinations, and culture temperature. Collector (Stenonema) growth rate ranged from 0.13 to 1.80% body wt/day, being greatest at high densities, particularly in combination with shredders. Food consumption ranged from 15.7 to 33.2% body wt/day for shredders and 4.0 to 23.2% body wt/day for collectors. After non—shredder feeding losses are accounted for, estimated shredder standing crop required to account for processing of report leaf litter inputs compare generally to measured shredder standing crop.