Excitation Function of the ReactionZn64(n, p)Cu64with Neutrons of Energies between 2 and 3.6 Mev

The relative cross section for Zn64(n, p)Cu64 has been measured by an activation method for neutron energies of 2.0 to 3.6 Mev. The absolute cross section at 3.55-Mev neutron energy is found to be 56.4±9.0 mb by comparing the Cu64 positron activity with the amount of Si31 formed in the P31(n, p)Si31 reaction, which has a previously known cross section of 96.2±9.0 mb. The cross section rises monotonically with increasing energy from a value of 12 mb at 2.0 Mev. The experimental results are compared with the predictions of statistical theory; experimental level densities are used in the calculation, but even so the predicted yield is too small. An upper limit of 2 mb is assigned to the cross section for Zn68(n, γ)Zn69* at 3 Mev.

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